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Studio Seufz has created a thrilling assassination game called Murder. The objective is to sneak up behind the king and take him out quickly and quietly. However, if the king catches you, you will be sent straight to the dungeon. In this game, you get to experience the life of a scheming vizier, but beware as your advisor may be after your crown if you succeed in becoming the new king.

You can play Murder online directly from your browser with Monkeymart, and test your observation and reaction skills. It’s free to play, but be careful as one wrong move could cost you your life.

The controls are as follows:

  • Space – Charge and stab (killer), Look behind (king)

Here are some tips and tricks to help you win:

  • If the king looks back, don’t be afraid to let your knife drop.
  • Use the skills you’ve learned as the advisor to look for an assassination attempt when you’re the king!